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Python Basic Workshop
Course Hosted by: Subhadip Mukherjee, Price: 30USD/2400INR FREE [Python Basic workshop is always free]
Module 1: Introduction to Python
- Lesson 1.1: What is Python? History and Overview
- Lesson 1.2: Installing Python and Setting Up the Development Environment
- Lesson 1.3: Writing and Running Your First Python Program
- Lesson 1.4: Python Syntax and Indentation
Module 2: Basic Data Types and Operations
- Lesson 2.1: Variables and Data Types (int, float, str, bool)
- Lesson 2.2: Basic Arithmetic Operations
- Lesson 2.3: String Manipulation and Formatting
- Lesson 2.4: Working with Booleans and Comparison Operators
Module 3: Control Flow
- Lesson 3.1: Conditional Statements (if, elif, else)
- Lesson 3.2: Loops (for, while)
- Lesson 3.3: List Comprehensions
Module 4: Data Structures
- Lesson 4.1: Lists and Tuples
- Lesson 4.2: Dictionaries and Sets
- Lesson 4.3: Introduction to Arrays (using the array module)
Module 5: Functions
- Lesson 5.1: Defining and Calling Functions
- Lesson 5.2: Function Parameters and Return Values
- Lesson 5.3: Lambda Functions
- Lesson 5.4: Scope and Lifetime of Variables
Module 6: Working with Modules and Packages
- Lesson 6.1: Importing Modules
- Lesson 6.2: Creating Your Own Modules
- Lesson 6.3: Using Python Standard Libraries
Module 7: File Handling
- Lesson 7.1: Reading from and Writing to Files
- Lesson 7.2: Working with CSV and JSON Files
- Lesson 7.3: Handling File Exceptions
Module 8: Error Handling
- Lesson 8.1: Understanding Exceptions
- Lesson 8.2: Try, Except, and Finally Blocks
- Lesson 8.3: Raising and Creating Custom Exceptions
Python Advance Workshop
Course Hosted by: Subhadip Mukherjee, Price: 50USD/4000INR
Module 9: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Lesson 9.1: Introduction to Classes and Objects
- Lesson 9.2: Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Encapsulation
- Lesson 9.3: Abstract Classes and Methods
- Lesson 9.4: Magic Methods and Operator Overloading
Module 10: Advanced Data Structures
- Lesson 10.1: Working with Advanced Collections (Deque, NamedTuple)
- Lesson 10.2: Sets, Frozensets, and Counters
- Lesson 10.3: Linked Lists and Trees (Introduction)
- Lesson 10.4: Stacks and Queues
Module 11: Functional Programming
- Lesson 11.1: Higher-Order Functions
- Lesson 11.2: Map, Filter, and Reduce
- Lesson 11.3: Decorators
- Lesson 11.4: Generators and Iterators
Module 12: Working with Databases
- Lesson 12.1: Introduction to SQL and Database Operations
- Lesson 12.2: Using SQLite with Python
- Lesson 12.3: Connecting to MySQL/PostgreSQL
- Lesson 12.4: ORM with SQLAlchemy
Module 13: Web Development with Python
- Lesson 13.1: Introduction to Flask
- Lesson 13.2: Building RESTful APIs
- Lesson 13.3: Template Rendering with Jinja2
- Lesson 13.4: Introduction to Django (Optional)
Module 14: Data Science and Machine Learning
- Lesson 14.1: High performing data management: Working with Libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Dask, Vaex etc.
- Lesson 14.2: Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn
- Lesson 14.3: Introduction to Scikit-Learn for Machine Learning
- Lesson 14.4: Working with Real-World Data (Capstone Project)
Module 15: Testing and Debugging
- Lesson 15.1: Writing Unit Tests with unittest and pytest
- Lesson 15.2: Debugging Techniques and Tools
- Lesson 15.3: Code Profiling and Optimization
Module 16: Deployment and Version Control
- Lesson 16.1: Introduction to Git and GitHub
- Lesson 16.2: Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)
- Lesson 16.3: Packaging Python Applications
- Lesson 16.4: Deploying Python Applications to the Cloud
Data Engineering workshop using Python
Course Hosted by: Subhadip Mukherjee, Price: 75USD/6000INR
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